Meet Titan

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We love our friends at Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society (AARCS)! They rescue abandoned animals from around Alberta, and with the help of many volunteers and donations, they bring them back to health and into foster care so they can ultimately be adopted into their forever homes. 

When we set up our bottle program, we knew right away that we wanted to partner with AARCS and donate a portion of our proceeds to them.

In 2017, our Ginger Kombucha raised over $2,000 to help the cutest dog ever - Titan - get a much needed surgery. 

Titan was recently surrendered and rescued by AARCS with a badly damaged leg. AARCS soon learned that the leg needed to be amputated, and we were so happy to donate the funds we raised in order to make the surgery possible. 

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It is now a week post surgery, and  Titan is happily recovering. If all goes well after his 2 week check  His personality has changed completely and the sad pup that was rescued a few weeks ago is now a big sweetheart who is getting better each day. 

To help other animals like Titan, and to see when he will be ready for adoption, visit AND keep drinking that ginger 'Buch!